Little Creek Casino Resort
91 West State Route 108
Shelton, WA 98584-9270

Make yourself at home in our comforting hotel where you can find the perfect room from our selection. Whether you choose a deluxe guest room, or opt for one of our premium suites, you will find yourself with a spacious room to spread out and enjoy your stay. Start your day in our relaxing lobby by enjoying your favorite coffee beverages from the espresso bar.

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Conference Guest Room Rates:

$134/night plus tax
Standard King/Double Queen

$154/night plus tax
Premium King/Double Queen

Reservation Options:

Call Little Creek Casino Resort Central Reservations at 800.667.7711, and mention our room block name (Four Directions 2024).
Create an online reservation here, typing in our Group Code (091524ECPG), and our Group Password (EVERGREEN). It will then list the room types and options you can select.